Wednesday, 7 April 2010

Evaluation Part 7

The vital area in which I have learned in is the significance of the pre-production area being our planning and research.
This area takes a lot of effort and understanding showing that building the basis of a film isn’t as easy as you may think, as much thoughts and skill need to be applied into this area. I have also learned how to manage many programs ‘Final Cut Pro’ being one of them as well as Photoshop and such media based programs,
which are important in learning as they play big parts in the construction of the film. Mistakes are another thing we all experienced at one point and how drafting is very common in this media area as things are continuously done until they can be considered as perfect which has taught me to always create something to its best state and keep improving it from there on. Learning to handle the equipments such as the Cameras, Apple Macs, Recording Devices, Editing Sweet and setting the equipment up as well as returning it safely has also been a gain to my knowledge. Also learning to work with my team members the director and editor has been a good experience as working together is the result of a successful outcome, we also had to criticize and help one another to enable us to move forward and allow improvements.
Over all this Media project has taught me enough to make my own film in the pre- production, Production and Post production areas as well as understanding the logics behind it and how to move forward with it. I believe if film making is needed to be done again I will most definitely be abe to perform much better and create a much more effective.

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